CAMPUS ANIMATION by Younker Ron DU-Preez
The Kuccp portal has been opened and every highschool students dream of joining campus. But my question is, do they have a clear knowledge of campus life?
I decided to have a walk at my campus and at the G-square, I met a guy whom we decided to have a small chats with about his campus experience.
"Whatever am experiencing in campus, is totally different from what I was expecting." He said."first of all, in highschool I was told to work hard, in campus I will enjoy not only my free time but also I will have many girlfriends, money and I will be celebrity." He said.
Many parents believes that by joining campus, it's only the way of becoming successful in life.
During my conversation with this guy, he narrated to me a story of a his who did well in his Kcse and his parents enrolled him in one of the best University in the country.
As usual, the guy did his first year very well. On getting in second year, the pressure became high, he decides to quit his studies and look for a hustle.
His parents knew that their son is studying and they kept on sending school fees.
On the graduation day, his parents travelled all the way from upcountry to witnesse their son's graduation only to be told that their son has never been seen in that institution from second year.
My main point is this, to the junior students who are going to join campus, they should have a clear picture of how campus life is.
In campus most of the students takes one meal per day,, assignments are being typed and print. Which requires some amount.
There is always pressure from Landlords, fellow students, lectures and the Community.
Ones in campus, parents believes that the campus students enjoys.
Most of the university students are stereotyping with drugs peddling and fornications.
Campus life is what most people need to experience.
The end.